LASPN Accepting Nominations for 2023 Hero Awards

Each year the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Network (LASPN) seeks to award local Los Angeles residents who advocate and lead in both suicide prevention and mental health advocacy. Residents are asked to nominate both youth and adults that show extraordinary efforts in reducing suicide and increasing help-seeking. Three awards are offered each year: the Outstanding Youth Hero Award, the Outstanding Leadership Hero Award, and the Outstanding Advocacy Hero Award.  The LASPN is now accepting nominations for this year’s LASPN Hero Awards! Please submit your nominations by June 1, 2023.

Outstanding Youth Hero Award: Nominate a youth (under the age of 26), Council, or Youth Organization advocating and providing outreach and education in suicide prevention in Los Angeles County.

Outstanding Leadership Hero Award: Nominate a community leader advocating and providing extraordinary leadership and perseverance in suicide prevention in Los Angeles County.

Outstanding Advocacy Hero Award: Nominate a person or agency that has demonstrated innovation in the area(s) of mental health advocacy, stigma reduction, increased help-seeking, resource delivery, and collective community support.

Past honorees have included Teen Line (Outstanding Youth Hero), Stephanie Cohen (Hero for Leadership), and Bridget McCarthy (Hero Award for Advocacy.

Outstanding Youth Hero: Teen Line

In recognition of outstanding advocacy, dedication and commitment to suicide prevention.

Hero Award for Leadership: Stephanie Cohen

In recognition of extraordinary leadership, perseverance, and advocacy in suicide prevention.

Hero Award for Advocacy: Bridget McCarthy

In recognition of extraordinary leadership, perseverance, and advocacy in suicide prevention.