b'|25 |26Alignment with California Strategic Plan for Suicide PreventionLASPN Goal:More workplaces implement wellness programs, have staff trained in suicide prevention, and foster a culture of employee engagement and connectedness.Suggested Activities Promote wellness and suicide prevention toolkits and suicide prevention trainings to workplaces throughout Los Angeles County. Increase collaboration and linkages between school, community, public andprivate programs to integrate suicide prevention with other public healthissues. Expand and promote programs and initiatives that build community engagement, volunteerism, foster connectedness, and strengthen protective factors for suicide prevention. Promote, and if needed create, peer-based programs and support groups to foster connectedness.Promote programs that foster social emotional learning and coping skills,including innovative technologies that promote self-care and mindfulness. Implement strategies to reduce stigma about mental illness and promote local resources.Draft 3.3.2020 Not For Distribution Draft 3.3.2020 Not For Distribution'