b"|Suicide Prevention Workplan - Los Angleles |1 |2 |Suicide Prevention Workplan - Los Angleles|3 Introduction At the heart of a public health approach is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities through prevention, early intervention, and effective response to disease when it occurs. This approach emphasizes preventing problems from occurring or recurring (not just treating problems that have already occurred); focusing on whole populations rather than individuals; and Suicide is a complex public health problem and requires comprehensive and collaborative solutionsaddressing health disparities and access. In addition, the Suicide Prevention Resource Center identied a and collective action.Everyone in Los Angeles County- whether as individuals or as representativesComprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention, outlining nine intervention approaches that are all of the organizations and populations they serve- has a role to play in suicide prevention.There are aneeded to be in place for suicide prevention efforts to make an impact towards less suicide death, lot of different actions we can take, including but not limited to learning the warning signs of suicide,attempts and ideation and your ultimate goal of zero suicides (2). informing ourselves of crisis resources, applying effective messaging about suicide, getting trained National Action Alliance Transforming Communities:or bringing a suicide prevention training to our organization or place of employment, promotingwww.theactionalliance.org/sites/default/les/transformingcommunitiespaper.pdfmental health, reducing stigma about seeking help for mental illness, safely disposing of unused or CDC 2018 Report Vital Signs: www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/suicide/index.htmlunneeded medications, and safely storing rearms. Most importantly we can promote open CDC Technical Package: www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/suicidetechnicalpackage.pdfconversations about mental health, mental illness and suicide, and reach out to those who are Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC): www.sprc.orgstruggling or have lost someone to suicide with a kind word and resources of support. This plan is dedicated to the many lives lost to suicide, suicide loss survivors, those living with suicidal thoughts, and those who work tirelessly throughout the county to help reduce suicide. About LASPNThe Los Angeles County Suicide Prevention Network (LASPN) is a group of mental health professionals,Communities are key settings for suicide prevention.advocates, survivors, providers, researchers, and representatives from various agencies and organizations working together to decrease the numbers of suicides in Los Angeles County. Our mission is to promoteIn communitiespublic and professional awareness, education, training, and engagement regarding suicide and suicideprevention, intervention, and postvention in Los Angeles County. Through the collaboration of the various Life skills and positive social connections are formed which help strengthen resiliency and members of the Network, the LASPN is working to leverage the talent and resources available locally tocope with lifes challenges.work towards comprehensive suicide prevention.To get involved with LASPN, please contact: info@LACountySuicidePreventionNetwork.orgThe people we interact with day to day are in a key position to help identify who may be at risk and connect them with assistance and care.Taking a Public Health ApproachEffective crisis services are available, and people know where to find them. Connections can be developed between different systemshealth, behavioral health, In 1999 the Surgeon General issued a call to action to prevent suicide, resulting in the creation ofclinics, social services, legal services, community, schools, faith agencies, employers, law the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention in 2001.Since then several landmark reports andenforcement, to promote seamless care and support.technical packages have been published to assist with strategic planning for suicide prevention, including the CDC Preventing Suicide Technical Package and the National Action Alliance for Access to lethal means is reduced by holding firearms for a friend, working with gun shop Suicide Prevention Transforming Communities Report.retailers and pharmacies to promote safety practices, safely storing prescription drugs, asking someone you're concerned about if they have a plan and if they have the means in In 2018 the CDC released a study which found that the problems most frequently associated withtheir plan.suicide included strained relationships, life stressors (often involving work or nances), substance Peers and people provide support and empathic concern for those bereaved by suicide, use problems, physical health conditions, and recent or impending crisis (1). The study reinforcedthrough personal interactions and support programs.the understanding that suicide is an issue not only for those diagnosed with a mental illness, but for anyone struggling with serious life problems. Draft 3.3.2020 Not For Distribution Draft 3.3.2020 Not For Distribution"