b'|79|80 Alignment with California Strategic Plan for Suicide PreventionLASPN Goal: After a suicide attempt, all youth and adults receive continuity of care and follow-up after discharge from the hospital.Activities: Conduct an assessment with local hospitals and ER departments to assess availability of follow-up care programs after a suicide attempt (and suicide prevention across all spectrums of the suicidal crisis path) in Los Angeles County. Convene a workgroup including hospital and ER staff, DMH, the VA, Didi Hirsch staff, and others, to discuss the existing continuity of care system discuss best practice interventions and models to implement or expand in Los Angeles County. Identify barriers that need to be overcome (system, financial, human) and provide a recommendation.Host a focus group with, or involve in workgroup, attempt survivors (people with lived experience), and their families to review proposed approaches. Promote and expand availability of Attempt Survivor Support Groups across Los Angeles County. Develop a training plan to increase the number of clinicians that are trained in suicide risk specifically.Provide a roster of trained professionals to follow-up counselors, ER physicians, and in-patient treatment facilities, including those specializing in substance abuse recovery. Partner with LACOE and offer trainings so that schools have effective re-entry protocols for students returning after a suicide attempt. Explore legislation such as HB3090 passed in Oregon in 2018 which requires caring contact within 48 hours of discharge. Draft 3.3.2020 Not For Distribution Draft 3.3.2020 Not For Distribution'